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PLX-28132 BOE BOT Robot (non soldering programmable kit)
SKU: PLX-28132
List Price: $229.95
Our Price: $127.99
Your Savings: $101.96


Includes 200Page Manual The Boe-Bot consists of the BOE (Board of Education) Micro-controller platform mounted on the high quality aluminum chassis. I/O projects are temporarily built on the front of the BOE. The BOE-Bot chassis has mounting holes and slots so you can add your own projects with screws, nuts and standoffs. Time required to build and program: 2 hours. Robotics! text includes many pre-written PBasic programs that may be customized. I/O Components: LEDs, speaker, push button, photoresistors, resistors and capacitors, infrared LEDs and receivers and full whisker kit. Use of basic stamp I/O pins: Components are placed on the breadboard and may be moved around. Flexible use of I/O pins. Object detection: Infrared object detection and whiskers. Expand: Yes. Package Contents: Basic stamp 2 module, BOE-Bot kit, software, serial cables, Robotics! text with projects and Basic Stamp Manual. Includes: 200 page Educational Robotics Manual. Requires 1 “9” volt battery, not included. 4 “AA” battery

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PARALLAX PLX-28132 BOE BOT Robot (non soldering programmable kit)

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