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BBK-2 35 in 1 Digital & Computer Lab (non soldering kit)
List Price: $59.95
Our Price: $47.95
Your Savings: $12.00


"This lab does not require soldering, is reusable, and contains 5 lessons and 30 meaningful and exciting digital experiments. The booklet is fully illustrated with easy-to-follow pictorial diagrams and schematics. All experiments operate on one 9V battery (not included). Contains a wide variety of digital components, including a double binary counter and two 7-segment displays, allowing you to build ""0 to 99"" digital counters instead of only ""0 to 9"". This lab also includes LEDs of three different colors (red, green, and yellow), and uses a uniform prewired breadboard system with reverse polarity protection and a switch wire to prevent damage to the ICs or battery snap. This lab also covers more digital topics such as Boolean algebra, timing diagrams, frequency and duty cycle formulas, troubleshooting techniques. The kit includes a 96 page, fully illustrated manual, a large solderless breadboard, 6 integrated circuits, a CDS photocell, plus all other parts necessary to perform each experiment. "

Product Details

Check out This List of Lessons and Experiments for the 35 in 1 Deluxe Digital Exploration Lab Kit:
Tips On Building The Experiments
The Universal Solderless Breadboard
Lesson 1 Introduction To Digital Electronics
Lesson 2 Components, Gates and IC's
Lesson 3 Combinational & Sequential Circuits, Boolean Algebra And Timing Diagrams
Lesson 4 The Binary Numbering System
Lesson 5 Troubleshooting Techniques
Experiment 1 The Logic Probe: "The Tool"
Experiment 2 The YES Logic Circuit: "The Buffer"
Experiment 3 The NOT Logic Circuit: "The Inverter"
Experiment 4 The AND Logic Gate
Experiment 5 The OR Logic Gate
Experiment 6 The NAND Logic Gate
Experiment 7 The NOR Logic Gate
Experiment 8 Building The Six Basic Logic Gates Using Only NOR Gates
Experiment 9 "The Clock" - A Stable Multivibrator
Experiment 10 The 555 Timer IC
Experiment 11 "The Timer" - Monostable Multivibrator
Experiment 12 "The Flip-Flop" - Bistable Multivibrator
Experiment 13 Reaction Challenge Game
Experiment 14 The Binary Counter/Divider
Experiment 15 Manual Binary Counter & Switch Debouncing
Experiment 16 The BCD Counter (Decade Counter)
Experiment 17 Touch Activated ON/OFF Switch
Experiment 18 Seven Segment Display Decoder
Experiment 19 "0 to 9" Counter With Display
Experiment 20 Lucky Number Generator
Experiment 21 Electronic Die Game
Experiment 22 0 To 9 Photoelectric Counter
Experiment 23 Sequential LED Flasher
Experiment 24 Triple Answer Decision Maker
Experiment 25 "10 by 10" Reaction Game
Experiment 26 Brightness Control Touch Switch
Experiment 27 Macho Meter
Experiment 28 "Go for the Gold" Game
Experiment 29 0 To 99 Counter With Display
Experiment 30 0 To 99 Photoelectric Counter

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